New Aug 2, 2024

If I Was Starting My Career Today: Thoughts After 15 Years Spent In UX Design (Part 1)

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My design career began in 2008. The first book that I read on the topic of design was Photoshop Tips And Tricks by Scott Kelby, which was a book about a very popular design tool, but not about user experience (UX) design itself. Back at the time, I didn’t know many of the approaches and techniques that even junior designers know today because they weren’t invented yet, and also because I was just beginning my learning journey and finding my way in UX design. But now I have diverse experience; I’m myself hiring designers for my team, and I know much more.

In my two-part series of articles, I’ll try to share with you what I wish I knew if I was starting my career today.

“If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.”

— Robert Kiyosaki

The two-part series contains four sections, each roughly covering one key stage in your beginner career:

  1. Master Your Design Tools
  2. Work on Your Portfolio
  3. Preparing for Your First Interviews: Getting a First Job
  4. In Your New Junior UX Job: On the Way to Grow

I’ll cover the first three topics in this first article and the fourth one in the second article. In addition, I will include very detailed Further Reading sections at the end of each part.

When you’re about to start learning, every day, you will receive new pieces of evidence of how many things you don’t know yet. You will see people who have been doing this for years and you will doubt whether you can do this, too. But there is a nuance I want to highlight: first, take a look at the following screenshot:

This is the Amazon website in 2008 when I was about to start my design career and received my first paycheck as a beginner designer.

And this is how Amazon looked like even earlier, in 2002:

Source: (Large preview)

In 2002, Amazon made 3.93 billion US dollars in profits. I dare say they could have hired the very best designers at the time. So today, when you speak to a designer with twenty years of experience and think, “Oh, this designer must be on a very high level now, a true master of his craft,” remind yourself about the state of UX design that existed when the designer’s career was about to start, sometime in the early 2000s!

A lot of the knowledge that I have learned and that is over five years old is outdated now, and the learning complexity only increases every year.

It doesn’t matter how many years you have been in this profession; what matters are the challenges you met in the last few years and the lessons you’ve learned from them.

Are you a beginner or an aspiring user interface/user experience designer? Don’t be afraid to go through all the steps in your UX design journey. Patience and a good plan will let you become a good designer faster than you think.

“The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now.”

— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

This was the more philosophical part of my writing, where I wanted to help you become better motivated. Now, let’s continue with the more practical things and advice!

Getting Started: Master Your Design Tools

When I was just beginning to learn, most of us did our design work in Adobe Photoshop.

In Photoshop, there were no components, styles, design libraries, auto layouts, and so on. Every screen was in another PSD file, and even making rounded corners on a rectangle object was a difficult task. Files were “heavy,” and sometimes I needed to wait thirty or more seconds to open a file and check what screen was inside while changing a button’s name or label in twenty separate PSD files (each containing only one design screen, remember?) could take up to an hour, depending on the power of your computer.

There were many digital design tools at the time, including Fireworks — which some professionals considered superior to Photoshop, and for quite a few reasons — but this is not the main point of my story. One way or another, Photoshop back then became very popular among designers and we all absolutely had to have it in our toolset, no matter what other tools we also needed and used.

Now computers are much faster, and our design tools have evolved quite a bit, too. For example, I can apply multiple changes to multiple design screens in just a few seconds by using Figma components and a proper structure of the design file, I can design/prototype responsive designs by using auto-layout, and more.

In one word, knowing your design tool can be a real “superpower” for junior UX designers — a power that beginners often ignore. When you know your tool inside-out, you’ll spend less time on the design routine and you’ll have more time for learning new things.

Master your tool(s) of choice (be it Figma Design or Illustrator, Sketch, Affinity Designer, Canva, Framer, and so on) in the most efficient way, and free up to a couple of extra hours every day for reading, doing tutorials, or taking longer breaks.

Learn all the key features and options, and discover and remember the most important hotkeys so you’ll be working without the need to constantly reach for your mouse and navigate the “web” of menus and sub-menus. It’s no secret that we, designers, mostly learn through doing practical tasks. So, imagine how much time it would save you within a few years of your career!

Also, it’s your chance: developers are rolling out new features for beginner designers and pro designers simultaneously, but junior designers usually have more time to learn those updates! So, be faster and get your advantage!

Getting Started: Work On Your Portfolio

You need to admit it: your portfolio (or, to put it more precisely, the lack of it) will be the main pain point at the start.

You may hear sometimes statements such as: “We understand that being a junior designer is not about having a portfolio...” But the fact is that we all would like to see some results of your work, even if it is your very early work on a few design projects or concepts. Remember, if you have something to show, this would always be a considerable advantage!

I have heard from some juniors that they don’t want to invest time in their portfolio because this work is not payable and it’s time-consuming. But sitting and waiting and getting rejected again and again is also time-consuming. And spending a few of your first career years in the wrong company is also time-consuming (and disappointing, too). So my advice is to spend some time in advance on showcasing your work and then get much better results in the near future.

In case you need some extra motivation, here is a quote from Muhammad Ali, regarded as one of the most significant sports figures of the 20th century:

“I hated every minute of training, but I said to myself, ‘Do not quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”

— Muhammad Ali

Ready to fire but have no idea where to start? Here are a few options:

Don’t wait until someone hands you your chance on a “silver platter.” There are many projects that need the designer’s hands and help but can’t get such help yet. Assist them and then show the results of your work in your first portfolio. It gives you a huge advantage over other candidates who haven’t worked on their portfolios yet!

Preparing For Your First Interviews: Getting A First Job

From what I’ve heard, getting the first job is the biggest problem for a junior designer, so I will focus on this part in more detail.

Applying For A Job

To reach the goal, you should formulate it correctly. It’s already formulated in this case, but most candidates understand it wrong. The right goal here is to be invited to an interview — not to get an offer right now or tell everything about your life in the CV document. You just need to break through the first level of filtering.

Note: Some of these tips are for absolute beginners. Do they sound too obvious to you? Apologies if so. However, all of them are based on my personal experience, so I think there are no tips that I should omit.

Note: There are many ways to show your portfolio, and Figma is only one of them. For ideas, you can check “Figma Portfolio Templates & Examples” (a curated selection of portfolio templates for Figma). Or even better, you can self-host your portfolio on your own domain and website; however, this may require some more advanced technical skills and knowledge, so you can leave this idea for later.

Completing A Test Task

The test task aims to assess what we can expect from you in the workplace. And this is not just about the quality of your design skills — it’s also about how you will communicate with others and how you will be able to propose practical solutions to problems.

What do I mean by “practical solutions”? In the real world, designers always work within certain limitations (constraints), such as time, budget, team capacity, and so on. So, if you have some bright ideas that are likely very hard to implement, keep these for the interview. The test task is a way to show that you are someone who can define the correct problems and do the proper work, e.g. find the solutions to them.

A few words of advice on how to do exactly that:

Recommendations For The Interview

The interview is the most challenging part because the most optimal way to prepare for it depends on the specific company where you’re applying for the job and the interviewer’s experience. But there are still a few “universal” things you can do in order to increase your chances:


Thank you for following me so far! Hopefully, you have learned your design tools, worked on your portfolio, and prepared meticulously for your first interviews. If all goes according to plan, sooner or later, you’ll get your first junior UX job. And then you’ll face more challenges, about which I will speak in detail in the second part of my two-part article series.

But before that, do check Further Reading, where I have gathered a few resources that will be very useful if you are just about to begin your UX design career.

Further Reading

Basic Design Resources

A List of Design Resources from the Nielsen Norman Group

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