Jun 11, 2024

Cross-Document View Transitions for MPAs are here! (2024.06.05 @ CSS Day Pre-Event)

More Front-end Bloggers All from Bram.us View Cross-Document View Transitions for MPAs are here! (2024.06.05 @ CSS Day Pre-Event) on bram.us

Me, on stage
Me, on stage. Photo by Brecht.

Last week I was in Amsterdam to attend CSS Day. At the pre-event organized by Communication and Multimedia Design Amsterdam I gave a talk on Cross-Document View Transitions for use in your Multi-Page Applications (aka: ā€œjust websitesā€).


Table of Contents


# The Talk

The talk I gave is a full-length talk of a little over 40 minutes.

In 2023 we at Google shipped Same-Document View Transitions for SPAs in Chrome 111. This year we bring you the next big thing for View Transitions: Cross-Document View Transitions for MPAs, activated by a same-origin navigation. Now you no longer need to rearchitect your app to an SPA in order to use View Transitions: clicking a link from one page to another is enough to trigger the transition.

This was a reprise of the talk I did at JSHeroes with the addition of sections covering View Transition Classes and View Transition Active Types, two new features I announced at Google I/O a few weeks ago.


# Slides

The slides of my talk are up on slidr.io are embedded below:

These exported slides donā€™t contain any recordings of the demos included, but you can follow the link to check them out yourself. For the Same-Document View Transitions demos you will need Chrome 111+. For the Cross-Document View Transitions demos you need Chrome 126+.


# Recording/Video

This talk was not recorded. You can check out a recording from the rendition at JSHeroes.


# Thanks!

Thanks to Vasilis, Sanne and Krijn for inviting me to speak at this pre-event and kick off a wonderful three days packed with CSS. It was very delightful to see a lot of you, and it was very inspiring to have Sanne show some of the students their work before the event started. I sure envy those students for having such great lecturers and getting taught The Right Thingā„¢ from the start.


šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø If you are a conference or meetup organiser, don't hesitate to contact me to come speak at your event.

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