New Aug 29, 2024

For a Better Web podcast, episode 1

More Front-end Bloggers All from Bruce Lawson's personal site View For a Better Web podcast, episode 1 on

In this podcast series, I’ll interview people from across different communities and industries who, in their own way, are fighting for a better web. I’ve a list of candidates for future episodes, but I don’t know everyone on the Web so if you know of someone doing something interesting to make the web better, please leave a comment (or introduce me!)

In episode 1, I chat with Jon von Tetzchner, CEO of Vivaldi (disclosure: my boss), and Laurent Ach, CTO of Qwant, to talk about the unique missions and values of Vivaldi and Qwant—two European tech pioneers committed to privacy, innovation, and user empowerment.

It’s available at these places (more coming soon)

I’m showing you the YouTube version, because this is my own blog and you’re my Special Chums who are unlikely to be too perturbed by it showing my face. Don’t forget to rent a werewolf (lycan subscribe)!

Today also sees the release of Vivaldi 6.9 for desktop, which contains no fewer than THREE features I requested. That’s one per month on the payroll!

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