This reading list is brought to you courtesy of Vivaldi browser (subject of this very thorough independent review, including an interview with Yours Truly!) who pay me a respectable salary and don’t moan when I read stuff I’m interested in.
- The rebellion will be federated – “I will be thinking: what do the Big Tech billionaires and kleptocrats wish I would do? And then I will do the OPPOSITE” says Elena Rossini
- Browser Choice Alliance – “Vivaldi joins other browsers in forming the Browser Choice Alliance to campaign against Microsoft preferencing its Edge browser on Windows”
- Interop and Hard Problems – “Let’s talk about priorities, technical debt and hard problems in the Web Platform…”< says Brian Kardell
- Intent to Experiment: Reference Target for Cross-root ARIA – “a feature to enable using IDREF attributes such as `for` and `aria-labelledby` to refer to elements inside a component’s shadow DOM, while maintaining encapsulation of the internal details of the shadow DOM. The main goal of this feature is to enable ARIA to work across shadow root boundaries.”
- GSMA: The State of Mobile Internet Connectivity 2024 (93pp PDF)
- How US Dept of Justice’s cure for Google could inflict collateral damage – “Remedies should be refined with an eye toward broad platform rights and responsibilities”. Quotes Open Web Advocacy.
- OpenCore Legacy Patcher allows you to install modern MacOS on machines that Apple has stopped supporting
- Analysis of 30 Popular (Paid) Android VPNs – “I rigorously tested the 30 most popular paid VPN apps in the Google Play store, which have more than 732 million total installs worldwide. Most were completely safe and private but some had significant security and privacy flaws.”
- Anyone Can Buy Data Tracking US Soldiers and Spies to Nuclear Vaults and Brothels in Germany – “More than 3 billion phone coordinates collected by a US data broker expose the detailed movements of US military and intelligence workers in Germany—and the Pentagon is powerless to stop it.”
- Ban tracking and personalised advertising – the Chaos Computer Club calls for European Commission to propose legislation that would ban personalised surveillance advertising. “The advertising industry already has sustainable, proven concepts for effective online advertising that do not require targeted tracking and personalisation (e.g. contextual advertising)”.
- In-House Counsel Starter Pack: Boilerplate Antitrust Affirmative Defenses – my fave: “THIRTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE (Defamation): Filing lawsuits against lawbreakers is mean and irreparably hurts our corporate feelings.”
- LICENSE.TXT (YouTube, needs sound)