New Nov 4, 2024

A guide to bookmarklets

More Front-end Bloggers All from Darek Kay View A guide to bookmarklets on

I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to explain what bookmarklets are and how to use them.

In short, a bookmarklet is a browser bookmark containing JavaScript code. Clicking the bookmark executes the script in the context of the current web page, allowing users to perform tasks such as modifying the appearance of a webpage or extracting information. Bookmarklets are a simpler, more lightweight alternative to browser extensions, Chrome snippets, and userscripts.

How to add a bookmarklet?

Here's an example to display a browser dialog with the title of the current web page:

Display page title

You can click the link to see what it does. To run this script on other websites, we have to save it as a bookmarklet. My preferred way is to drag the link onto the bookmarks toolbar:

A link on a web page is dragged and dropped onto a browser bookmark bar. A bookmark creation dialog appears. The prompt is confirmed and closed. The created bookmarklet is clicked. The current web page title is displayed in a browser dialog.

Another way is to right-click the link to open its context menu:

Screenshot showing the Firefox context menu after right-clicking a Bookmarklet.

In Firefox, you can then select "Bookmark Link…". Other browsers make it a little more difficult: select "Copy Link (Address)", manually create a new bookmark, and then paste the copied URL as the link target.

Once created, you can click the bookmark(let) on any web page to display its title. Scroll further down to see more useful use cases.

How to write a bookmarklet?

Let's start with the code for the previous bookmarklet example:


To turn that script into a bookmarklet, we have to put javascript: in front of it:


To keep our code self-contained, we should wrap it with an IIFE (immediately invoked function expression):

javascript:(() => {

Finally, you might have to URL-encode your bookmarklet if you get issues with special characters:


Useful bookmarklets

Here are some bookmarklets I've created:

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