New Jun 29, 2024

Vibe Check №33

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The cicadas hum their ancient alien tune in the treetops above. The asphalt is hot to the touch. Cars and homes fill with the white noise of air conditioning in attempts to keep those inside alive. My enemy, the Sun, beams its photonic radiation at me –only me– and mocks my every step and sows humiliation as sweat pours down my back to pool betwixt my buttocks. We trudge through hot air to make due with our curse.

I started a new job. We went on a trip. Saw Mount Rushmore. Saw Austin FC win. School ended. Sports are over but a new –more committed– cheer season is already underway. Swim team ends today and I will not miss those steaming hot Saturday mornings, but will miss the thrill of seeing my kids continuously improve and rack up personal bests. My son returned from sleep away camp. And we’re all looking forward to a proper vacation soon.

Newly employed at Microsoft

At the beginning of May I started my new job at Microsoft. It’s already been nearly two months and I think I’m adjusting nicely to corporate life. Thankfully, the immediate group I work with has tons of nice and talented people so that makes it easy to feel welcome.

My plate of responsibilities is still being assembled but the bulk of my work thus far has been refactoring some web components. Web components are pretty fast out of the box (look, ma! free lifecycle and reactivity code!) but we’re working to make our components be super fast. While the scope of what I do is a fraction of my previous agency and startup life, it’s nice to be able to focus on isolated components.

I lost my publish button

It took me awhile to pinpoint this feeling but the biggest change since joining a large corporation is that I’ve lost my publish button. There’s probably ten people between me and code going to production. Gone are the days of making ten deploys a day. Gone are the days of yeeting a blog post on the company blog. Gone are the days of ssh’ing into a box to make some hot fixes. It’s for good reasons, of course.

My personal publish button usage has also declined during this time. I blame onboarding to a new job, busy summers, and a small RSI flare up. But I’m not cooking drafts up like I used to either. I intentionally didn’t install Notion on my work machine to prevent distractions and so far that plan has worked. All is not lost, I burned some midnight oil last night and summoned a small quiver of drafts and I think shorter posts will lead the way.

The no deodorant challenge

I tried that hippie myth where you don’t use deodorant for two weeks and your body naturally adjusts and your armpits don’t smell bad…

…this did not work. It very much did not work. I’m sorry.

A nephew’s graduation in South Dakota

Four days into my new job I took some time off to travel to South Dakota. My nephew graduated as valedictorian of his small high school in Hill City, SD. The kid has a lot going for him; a National Merit Scholar, cross country state champion, Gatorade’s 2024 Cross Country Player of the Year for South Dakota, a volunteer fire fighter, among other great qualities that he’ll bring with him to MIT in the fall.

My brother and I giving a cool peace sign in front of Mount Rushmore on a cloudy day

My nephew’s high school has the unique honor of being able to have their graduation at Mount Rushmore (his high school is also the only school that can have Smokey the Bear as a mascot, but that’s another story). It’s a dramatic event to see kids transition into their future under the long gazes of those gargantuan stone presidents. It’s not often you get to attend an event like that and I’m glad our kids got to be there for it.

Great to see family. We don’t have occasion to get everyone together often, so I’m glad I had the chance to yuck it up with my brother, nephews, cousins, in-laws, aunts, and uncles. Kids and adults played wiffle ball in the yard and we rode minibikes around the field. A good short trip to the Black Hills, we should do it more often.

🧠 Learning

Most of my learning brain cells have gone towards learning how to do my new job. I think that’s okay.

📖 Reading

I came across some great books since the last vibe check. I might actually do full posts for some of them… they were that good.



📝 Blogging

A small handful of blog posts since the last update but the quality has never been higher.

📺 Media

I started watching movies again. I don’t know what got into me but I’m finding enjoyment in watching movies right now. It might take me three days and countless interruptions to finish a movie, but there’s good stories in there.





🎙 Recording

We’ve been doing a little micro-series on ShopTalk about niche app builders. People who build bespoke apps and try to turn it into a business. The feedback has been good and I enjoy peeking into how others are making their dreams happen.

Niche app builders series

Other fantastic guests

🤖 Gunpla & Plamo

I started on my Perfect Grade Unleashed RX-78-2 and I’m half-way finished. It’s a fantastic model. I also picked up a new Mini 4WD car… which I’ll post more about later.

A before and after of the inner frame of the Perfect Grade Unleashed RX-78-2 Gundam plastic model. The inner frame is all black and skinny in the before shot and all black but thick and has metal accents in the after shot. It’s about twelve inches tall and in both shots it’s next to the completed Entry grade version of the same plastic robot model that’s only 5.5 inches tall.

⌨️ Open source

A couple CodePen web components, nothing officially open sourced. I tend to get productive in the summer and have an uptick in productivity and crash in August.

👾 Video games

I’m struggling with the fact that staying up past my bedtime to play video games is bad for my health. I need to figure out a better way to game.

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