New Jul 21, 2024


Top Front-end Bloggers All from Ethan Marcotte’s website View Reacquired. on

Last year, I wrote a book called You Deserve a Tech Union. When I first announced it, I said it was the hardest thing I’ve ever written, and that I was incredibly proud of it. I think that assessment holds up, even now: I’m deeply glad I got the chance to write it; I’m beyond grateful my publisher was willing to publish a book about the urgent need for unions in tech.

A little more than six months later, my publisher announced they were suspending operations, and would no longer be publishing new books. A few months after that, they announced their business was no longer sustainable, and that were permanently closing their doors.

I’m certain this was a difficult decision for the company. It was hard enough for me to hear about it — and heck, I’m sure that applies to anyone who’d published a book with them. But as difficult as that news was, something wonderful happened in response: a bunch of authors got organized, reached out to our former publisher, and collectively asked if they’d be willing to let us reacquire the rights to our books.

Then something else wonderful happened: they agreed.

Following on from a flurry of paperwork, I stand here the sole owner of my first three books: Responsive Web Design, Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles, and my latest title, You Deserve a Tech Union. The books’ internals are currently unchanged from when they were published, and they’re still available for purchase everywhere you buy books online; the only thing that’s different is that when you buy a copy, I’ll be getting paid directly, rather than through my publisher.

There are two changes I’m excited about — one small, one big:

  1. First, I’ve tossed together a new books section for my website. Nothing remotely fancy, mind you, but I figured it’d do for now.
  2. Second, and this is the one I’m really excited about: I reduced the cost of my books across the board. I hope this makes all three of them — especially You Deserve a Tech Union — more accessible to potential readers.

That’s where things are right now. But really, I don’t quite know what comes next. For my two older books, I’m weighing whether or not I should just release them online for free. But as for You Deserve a Tech Union, I’d like to put it on a more sustainable path. Honestly, the most likely outcome is that I’ll continue to self-publish it: give the book a new coat of paint, maybe update a few sections that would benefit from a refresh. At the same time, I’m curious if there’s another publisher who’d be interested in giving the book a proper home.1

Anyway. The last few months have been a bit of a journey, to say the least. But wherever my little books happen to land, I’m always, always, always going to be grateful that they got a chance to be out in the world. And right now, I’m especially glad that they’re still here.

And finally, I am — as ever — incredibly grateful to you for reading my books. Thank you.

  1. I’ve reached out to a few publishers already, but hey: if you happen to work with an interested publisher, or if you have a connection to someone who does, please feel free to drop me a line. ↩︎

This has been “Reacquired.” a post from Ethan’s journal.

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