New Sep 18, 2024

The accessibility of emoji

Multi Author Blogs All from Go Make Things View The accessibility of emoji on

I’ll be honest: I generally haven’t given emoji—and how they’re announced by screen readers—much thought. In my mind, this is the kind of thing that’s already solved by the existing tools.

But yesterday, I stumbled onto this amazing deep dive by Steve Faulkner from a few years ago on how they actually work…

Unicode symbols do not have inbuilt text alternatives. They are exposed in the browser accessibility tree as a text symbol.

The text alternatives for Unicode symbols are usually contained within a text file in screen reading software’s program files directory.

And there are differences between screen readers in how they’re announced. Consider this emoji: 😁.

Do the differences matter? Probably not.

But if you want to learn more about how screen readers handle emoji, go read Steve’s article in full. It’s really interesting!

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