Jun 11, 2024

Is JavaScript Really That Bad?

Podcasts All from HTML All The Things - Web Development, Web Design, Small Business View Is JavaScript Really That Bad? on htmlallthethings.com

JavaScript has seen its fair share of insults and critiques over the years, with some developers outright refusing to touch it and other skirting around the edges by relying heavily on the server-side of things (ie PHP). Love it or hate it, JavaScript is what the web runs on and it's been that way since 1995. Vanilla JavaScript runs in the client's browser, bringing interactivity to user interfaces, while keeping the server out of calculations and computations. With the introduction of Node.js, JavaScript escapes the client-side, and moves it's way into the backend scene. With such a versatile language, why does JavaScript get so much hate? Is JavaScript really that bad?

Show Notes: https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcasts/is-javascript-really-that-bad

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