CSS got a new logo! After well over a decade of using the “CSS3” badge, there’s now a new CSS logo that fits nicely next to the JS, TS and friends logo’s.
And here it is among friends:
Looks pretty good right?
Outline version #
I can’t wait to see this replace the “CSS3” badge across the web and wanted to update the icon for the Live CSS panel in Polypane too.
All the icons in Polypane are from the Tabler icons icon set which are all in “outline style” on a 24 by 24px grid, so last Friday I spent a few hours creating a 24 by 24 pixel outline version of the logo, shown here at 24px, 48px, 128px and 256px.
The official repo isn’t accepting variants but I’ve proposed it for inclusion in Tabler icons here: CSS icon #1266 so if you’d like to see it added make sure to leave a comment or Emoji response there.
Grab it here #
While it hopefully will be added to an icon set soon, you can also just grab the icon from this page, for example by right-clicking them in Polypane and selecting “Copy SVG as code”.
The post An outline version of the new CSS logo first appeared on Kilian Valkhof.