New Oct 3, 2024

20 years blogging

More Front-end Bloggers All from Modern Web Development with Chrome View 20 years blogging on

I missed it, but I just realised that as of August 28th 2024 I've been blogging for over 20 year. I would have finished university and left my startups a couple of years before, gone went in to Enterprise, left behind Linux and Perl for a brief fling with c# and .net and started to make my first steps in to being a lot more public both in terms of documenting what I do and helping other folks.

I first started out on which was powered by Blogger and the FTP deploy. I had a brief foray in to posterous (I liked the idea of email publishing), and then settled at some point on and Hugo (I think i also used Jekyll at some point).

Looking back through my archives, I've written some really rubbish things.... I was alway terrible at spelling and grammar. But they're my things, and I like that.

I can also say that I wouldn't be doing what I do today without my little place on the Internet.

The web is my home and I hope I can help it stay everyone's home in the future. I'm thankful to Sir Tim Berners-Lee for inventing this thing and all the people that have built on top of this platform to make it what it is today (warts and all).

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