New Aug 28, 2024

I spent an evening on a fictitious web

More Front-end Bloggers All from Modern Web Development with Chrome View I spent an evening on a fictitious web on

I saw a couple of weeks ago but didn't quite get it, and then during some research on the creator and web developer ecosystems I came back to it and my mind was blown.

I spent the evening exploring a web that is full of applications and sites and only limited by URLs that I could think of (heh - this web never has a 404 or an unregistered domain). WebSim provides a simulation of the web via a faux Web Browser. It's a web that doesn't actually exist, but one that works incredibly well. I obviously went to my site first (note - I re-did this when I published it). on websim

I then created a clone of everytimezone (I needed to arrange a meeting in the NYC and Mountain View)

everytimezone on websim

And then I built an interactive globe showing population of some major cities

3d globe on websim

And then I wanted to see if I could create a simple site for a trip to Toya in Hokkaido

Toya on websim

My wife and I created a site that showcases the beauty of North Wales to a Japanese audience (we didn't publish it)... and I just explored and explored. I played with simple games, interactive experiences, I even got on a plane.... It's like the Web's Roblox.

The entire evening reminded me of when I first discovered blogging and would just go from site to site, reading and playing with the things people built and just having a lot of fun. On one hand this was demonstrates an entire virtual world that I just got lost for hours in this new virtual world, on the other the fact that entire sites and functioning games and apps work is just mind blowing.

I really do encourage everyone to try and play with even if it takes a little while to get the hang of the UI for generating sites.

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