New Aug 16, 2024

Here's everything we launched in Summer 2024

Company/Startup Blogs All from Mux Blog - Video technology and more View Here's everything we launched in Summer 2024 on

There's one more important week before the dog daze of summer truly hit — and it's here.

Let's launch some stuff. 💥

Each day this week, we shared some of the latest happenings here at Mux to help you build out professional and flexible video integrations into your apps.

Mux Launch Week Day 1: DRM in public beta

With Mux, you can now secure your videos to ensure they're playing back exactly how you've intended for them to be viewed.

We set out to make it as easy as possible to leverage DRM for those assets you're looking to protect.


Adding DRM is as simple as adding an option to your Create Asset API request payload:

// POST /video/v1/assets
  "input": "",
  "advanced_playback_policies": [
      "policy": "drm",
      "drm_configuration_id": "${DRM_CONFIGURATION_ID}"
  "encoding_tier": "smart"

Using DRM on your videos can help block or limit the impact of screen recording, screen sharing, and downloading tools.

DRM is just one tool in the Mux arsenal for securing your stream.

Read our brand new Stream Security blog story where you can learn about all the methods available for protecting your content.

Mux Launch Week Day 2: Let's save you money 🤑

Let's save you money

Here's a short list of everything new at Mux that helps you keep your dollars in your wallet.

Automatic cold storage

First up: Automatic Cold Storage is now generally available for all accounts.

Infrequently-viewed videos can be automatically put on ice — allowing you to save up to 60% on storage costs.

Lamia shares more on the rollout in her blog post.

Mux Player for iOS and Android

Next: Mux Player for iOS and Android is now generally available

Now included: short-form video caching. If a viewer watches a shorter clip on loop, you won't be paying for extra streaming costs on every go-around.

Emily shares more about this big update.

Pricing updates

If you haven't seen our other pricing changes, you may want to take another look:

DevChat with Chris Sev (SevChat?)

What do these cost savings look like from a developer's point of view?

Dave spoke with Chris Sev about how Mux pricing felt like the perfect fit for his business at Video Tap.

Check out the whole interview with Chris where we cover everything from improving Video Tap's video processing speed, simplifying the infrastructure by switching to Mux, and demoing how Video Tap works under the hood:

"…no way that's real."

Mux Launch Week Day 3: Mux Data updates

Mux Data

Delivering your video is only half the experience. With Mux Data, you can measure how your videos are performing and fine-tune the viewing experience for your viewers.

Error categorization

Not all playback errors are caused by technical failures like CDN outages or ISP connection issues. Some errors are caused by business restrictions, like a video title being unavailable to a particular user based on their geographic region or subscription service level.

Error categorization

With Mux’s new error categorization feature, we give you a way to assign specific settings to an error code right from the Mux Data dashboard.

This can help your team understand the priority and best next steps for responding to errors in your environment.

Mux Dashboard

Todd wrote all about how error categorization works on Mux.

New Mux Data features page

This is only one of many features now clearly visible on the new Mux Data features page. Get a fresh look at some of the main features that Mux Data has to offer.

Lots and lots of incremental improvements

Sarah wrote about all of the incremental improvements we've been rolling out to Mux Data users over the past few weeks, including ad metrics, live stream latency metrics, and filtering:

Who's using Mux Data?

TF1 is France’s biggest domestic television network and one of the largest private broadcasters in all of Europe.

Read how TF1 uses Mux Data to monitor their biggest streaming events, from the Rugby World Cup and beyond.

Mux at IBC 2024

We're bringing all of these Data updates with us to this year's IBC in Amsterdam, September 13-16.

IBC 2024

We're also bringing ice cream and coffee. You know, the essentials.

Will you be there, too? Join us in Amsterdam for IBC 2024. Set up some time and meet with us.

Mux Launch Week Day 4: AI Workflow examples

Your video journey with Mux doesn't have to end after we've received your file. Let's go through some end-to-end workflows that leverage AI to make your video content even stronger.

A look at a production AI video workflow

What's a real AI workflow look like in production?

Tavus has built some pretty wild ways to represent yourself without having to ever hit record.

In this clip, Quinn shares how Mux helps simplify their workflow.

Summer launch week is a wrap

You keep building, we'll keep shipping.

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