New Sep 18, 2024

Getting Warning in Select2 Component Jest Test

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I'm working on a Vue application where I've implemented a custom autocomplete dropdown using the Select2 library. The component is functioning correctly in terms of its intended functionality, but I'm encountering a couple of warnings during development that I haven't been able to resolve. I believe these may be related to how I'm defining props and the data function in my component.

select2.vue Component

    <select class="form-control" :id="id" :name="name" :disabled="disabled" :required="required"></select>

<script> import $ from 'jquery'; import 'select2/dist/js/select2.full'; import 'select2/dist/css/select2.min.css'

export default { name: 'Select2', data() { return { select2: null }; }, emits: ['update:modelValue'], props: { modelValue: [String, Array], // previously was value: String id: { type: String, default: '' }, name: { type: String, default: '' }, placeholder: { type: String, default: '' }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, required: { type: Boolean, default: false }, settings: { type: Object, default: () => {} }, }, watch: { options: { handler(val) { this.setOption(val); }, deep: true }, modelValue: { handler(val) { this.setValue(val); }, deep: true }, }, methods: { setOption(val = []) { this.select2.empty(); this.select2.select2({ placeholder: this.placeholder, ...this.settings, data: val }); this.setValue(this.modelValue); }, setValue(val) { if (val instanceof Array) { this.select2.val([...val]); } else { this.select2.val([val]); } this.select2.trigger('change'); } }, mounted() { this.select2 = $(this.$el) .find('select') .select2({ placeholder: this.placeholder, ...this.settings, data: this.options }) .on('select2:select select2:unselect', ev => { this.$emit('update:modelValue', this.select2.val()); this.$emit('select', ev['params']['data']); }); this.setValue(this.modelValue); }, beforeUnmount() { this.select2.select2('destroy'); } }; </script>

Unit test for the component:

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import Select2 from './Select2.vue'; // Ensure correct path

describe('Select2 Component', () => { let wrapper;

beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(Select2, { props: { modelValue: '', options: [], id: 'test-select', name: 'testName' } }); });

it('renders the autocomplete component', () => { expect(wrapper.exists()).toBeTruthy(); const subComp = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'Select2' }); expect(subComp.exists()).toBeTruthy(); }); });

console. warn
[Vue warn]: Prop type [] for prop "modelValue" won't match anything. Did you mean to use type Array instead? at ‹Select2 modelValue="" onUpdate:modelValue=fn class="custom-font mb-1" ...
at <Card>
at <ApproveAllAsAssociate ref="VTU_COMPONENT" >

console. warn
[Vue warn]: data() should return an object.
at «Select2 modelValue="" onUpdate:modelValue=fn class="custom-font mb-1" ... › at ‹Card>
at «ApproveAllAsAssociate modelValue="" ref="VTU_COMPONENT] > at <VTUROOT>
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