New Dec 31, 2024

How are cascading router-view elements handled?

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TL;DR: how are the priorities of Vue routes (global vs child) calculated?

Quasar is a Vue framework that can bootstrap applications. I am trying to follow its suggested structure but I am not sure how Vue routing works with cascading router-view elements.

In a bootstrapped application, the routes are defined as

import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';

const routes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [ { path: '/', component: () => import('layouts/MainLayout.vue'), children: [{ path: '', component: () => import('pages/IndexPage.vue') }], },

// Always leave this as last one, // but you can also remove it { path: '/:catchAll(.)', component: () => import('pages/ErrorNotFound.vue'), }, ];

export default routes;

Let's assume that we are at /.

The first component that starts everything else (App.vue) is

  <router-view />

<script setup lang="ts"> // </script>

So when I am at /, the MainLayout component is lazy loaded. This is it, I removed all other components (sidebar etc.) to just keep the part that is relevant to this question:

  <q-layout view="lHh Lpr lFf">

<!-- header, sidebar ->

<q-page-container> <router-view /> </q-page-container> </q-layout> </template>

So we have again <router-view />. What is it supposed to display?

I know the answer is IndexPage.vue and I am guessing that this is because it is a child, with a '' path. Which other path entries are possible for children?

If this is, say, admin, how does <router-view /> know that it is this component that should be mounted, and not the one from this slightly expanded routes?

import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';

const routes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [ { path: '/', component: () => import('layouts/MainLayout.vue'), children: [ { path: '', component: () => import('pages/IndexPage.vue') }, { path: 'admin', component: () => import('pages/AdminPage.vue') }, ], }, { path: '/admin', component: () => import('layouts/AnotherAdminPage.vue'), },

// Always leave this as last one, // but you can also remove it { path: '/:catchAll(.)', component: () => import('pages/ErrorNotFound.vue'), }, ]

export default routes;

Which of AnotherAdminPage or AdminPage will be mounted and why?

In other words: what is the precedence when choosing routes?

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