New Sep 18, 2024

How to create interactive image like map on vue?

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I try build custom map. I have image and i want to select somewhere and some information. After adding points i change resize window point locations changes. does possible do that points don't change location that image? here my code:

  <div class="px-20">
    <div class="mt-10 shadow-2xl relative" ref="imageContainer">
      <img :src="BL" class="w-full h-auto cursor-pointer" @click="addPoint" />

<div v-for="(point, index) in points" :key="index" class="absolute" :style="{ top: ${point.y}px, left: ${point.x}px }" > <div class="bg-red-500 text-white text-xs font-semibold py-1 px-2 rounded-full flex items-center" > {{ point.label }} <button @click.stop="removePoint(index)" class="bg-red-700 text-white text-xs font-bold rounded-full ml-1 w-4 h-4 flex items-center justify-center" > x </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template>

<script setup> import { ref, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue' import BL from '@/assets/Tm_Map.jpg' // Replace with your image path

const points = ref([]) let pointId = 0 const imageContainer = ref(null) const resizeObserver = ref(null)

function addPoint(event) { const rect = const x = event.clientX - rect.left // Get x position relative to the image const y = event.clientY - // Get y position relative to the image

points.value.push({ x, y, label: Point ${++pointId} }) }

function removePoint(index) { points.value.splice(index, 1) }


If possible help me!

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