The problem is that it do it's job flawlessly yesterday, and somehow don't work now. The only possible relevance in the process is a python backend server I tested, which did not use the same port anyways. The problem only happen on my machine, and works perfect when on other machine. So I'd like to ask how to identify what is in my way and try to solve them.
What I tried:
I've tried simular posts' solution such as adjust firewall, reinstall node and npm, reinstall packages and clear cache, but none worked and I had no clue even if I looked through the script it tries to run.
These are the error I received:
node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0.24.2/node_modules/esbuild: Running postinstall script...
node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0.24.2/node_modules/esbuild: Running postinstall script, failed in 101ms
.../esbuild@0.24.2/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js
└─ Failed in 101ms at (...)\GitHub\2025-AI-glucose\glutose-FE\node_modules.pnpm\esbuild@0.24.2\node_modules\esbuild
node_modules/.pnpm/vue-demi@0.14.10_vue@3.5.13/node_modules/vue-demi: Running postinstall script, failed in 87msE  Command failed with exit code 3221225477.
.../node_modules/vue-demi postinstall$ node -e "try{require('./scripts/postinstall.js')}catch(e){}"
└─ Failed in 87ms at (...)\GitHub\2025-AI-glucose\glutose-FE\node_modules.pnpm\vue-demi@0.14.10_vue@3.5.13\node_modules\vue-demi
ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 3221225477.
And here's what npm reported
2905 info run esbuild@0.21.5 postinstall node_modules/esbuild node install.js
2906 info run vue-demi@0.14.10 postinstall node_modules/vue-demi node -e "try{require('./scripts/postinstall.js')}catch(e){}"
2907 info run esbuild@0.21.5 postinstall { code: 3221225477, signal: null }
2908 info run vue-demi@0.14.10 postinstall { code: 3221225477, signal: null }
2909 warn cleanup Failed to remove some directories [
2909 warn cleanup [
2909 warn cleanup '\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\creap\\OneDrive\\文件\\GitHub\\2025-AI-glucose\\glutose-FE\\node_modules\\vue-demi',
2909 warn cleanup [Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir 'C:\Users\creap\OneDrive\文件\GitHub\2025-AI-glucose\glutose-FE\node_modules\vue-demi'] {
2909 warn cleanup errno: -4082,
2909 warn cleanup code: 'EBUSY',
2909 warn cleanup syscall: 'rmdir',
2909 warn cleanup path: 'C:\\Users\\creap\\OneDrive\\文件\\GitHub\\2025-AI-glucose\\glutose-FE\\node_modules\\vue-demi'
2909 warn cleanup }
2909 warn cleanup ],
2909 warn cleanup [
2909 warn cleanup '\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\creap\\OneDrive\\文件\\GitHub\\2025-AI-glucose\\glutose-FE\\node_modules',
2909 warn cleanup [Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir 'C:\Users\creap\OneDrive\文件\GitHub\2025-AI-glucose\glutose-FE\node_modules\vue-demi'] {
2909 warn cleanup errno: -4082,
2909 warn cleanup code: 'EBUSY',
2909 warn cleanup syscall: 'rmdir',
2909 warn cleanup path: 'C:\\Users\\creap\\OneDrive\\文件\\GitHub\\2025-AI-glucose\\glutose-FE\\node_modules\\vue-demi'
2909 warn cleanup }
2909 warn cleanup ]
2909 warn cleanup ]