New Dec 3, 2024

The Pixel Canvas Shimmer Effect

More Front-end Bloggers All from Ryan Mulligan View The Pixel Canvas Shimmer Effect on

I recently stumbled on a super cool, well-executed hover effect from the website where a bloom of tiny pixels light up, their glow staggering from the center to the edges of its container. With some available free time over this Thanksgiving break, I hacked together my own version of a pixel canvas background shimmer. It quickly evolved into a pixel-canvas Web Component that can be enjoyed in the demo below. The component script and demo code have also been pushed up to a GitHub repo.

Open CodePen demo



Include the component script and then insert a pixel-canvas custom element inside the container it should fill.

<script type="module" src="pixel-canvas.js"></script>

<div class="container"> <pixel-canvas></pixel-canvas> <!-- other elements --> </div>

The pixel-canvas stretches to the edges of the parent container. When the parent is hovered, glimmering pixel fun ensues.


The custom element has a few optional attributes available to customize the effect. Check out the CodePen demo's html panel to see how each variation is made.

There's likely more testing and tweaking necessary before I'd consider using this anywhere, but my goal was to run with this inspiration simply for the joy of coding. What a mesmerizing concept. I tip my hat to the creative engineers over at Clerk.

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