New Nov 15, 2024

Defensive Technology: Controlled Folder Access

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Most client software’s threat models (e.g. Edge, Chrome) explicitly exclude threats where the local computer was compromised by malware. That’s because, without a trusted computing base, it’s basically impossible to be secure against attackers. This concept was immortalized decades ago in the Ten Immutable Laws of Security:

In the intervening years, new technologies (like Secure Enclaves) have been launched in an attempt to provide some defenses even when a PC has been compromised, but they remain very limited in their capabilities. In my view, preventing initial access represents the most important security investment we can make.

Protecting Files

Nevertheless, there’s value in defense-in-depth and making life harder for attackers even after they get access to a PC.

In that vein, Windows 10 has a feature called Controlled Folder Access (CFA) which aims to help protect against ransomware. In the common ransomware attack, malicious native code running on the user’s machine begins encrypting their files with a randomly-generated key that is sent to the attacker. After files have been encrypted, a ransom note is shown demanding that the user pay money to get the decryption key.

CFA impedes this attack by preventing applications with “unknown” reputation from touching files in sensitive/protected folders, including the user’s Documents, Pictures, and Favorites folders, as well as any folders selected by the user. You can enable CFA using the Ransomware protection section of the Windows Security app:

Rather than moving sensitive files to a protected vault, it’s more like you’ve hired a bouncer to keep questionable apps out. If you want to protect more folders, click the Protected Folders link and choose the folders you’d like protected. If you need to allow an unknown app to access protected files, you can do so using the Allow an app link.

When Defender blocks access, you’ll see a small toast notification:

You can see blocked actions in both the Protection history section of the Windows Security app:

…as well as the Windows Defender node of the Windows Event Viewer:

Non-Obvious Bits

While CFA is conceptually pretty simple, under the covers there’s a fair bit of complexity.

For one thing, various well-known and legitimate applications (like Microsoft Office) offer extensibility models that could be used to load malicious modules. Similarly, well-known applications (e.g. Notepad) could have malicious code injected into them. So, Defender has to watch what’s loaded into each process and may consider an otherwise “friendly” process tainted for the purposes of CFA.

Additionally CFA could be circumvented if a process directly accesses the a disk volume using low-level APIs. If CFA blocks an unknown app from accessing a disk in this way, there’s no folder path to show, so the toast (perhaps confusingly) claims that CFA blocked the app from “making changes to memory.”

Finally, CFA must carefully handle all of the myriad equivalent ways in which a file’s path can be represented, for example:

Referring to local files using a UNC path and 8.3 filename syntax

Online Backup

Beyond Controlled Folder Access, Windows’ other built-in anti-ransomware approach is to enable online backup to a cloud file provider like OneDrive. The recovery experience offered by OneDrive depends on which level of account you have:

My free Personal account
My Enterprise account

If Microsoft Defender detects a ransomware attack, it can send a signal to the cloud file provider, indicating the time of compromise, to stop syncing now-encrypted files to the cloud, and to subsequently ease the process of recovering pre-encryption files from the cloud. You can see the flow from OneDrive’s documentation:

Stay safe out there!

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