Two years ago, I wrote up some best practices for developers who want to take a file’s security origin into account when deciding how to handle it. That post was an update of a post I’d written six years prior explaining how internet clients (e.g. browsers) mark a file to indicate that it originated from the untrusted Internet.
The tl;dr is that many native apps’ security vulnerabilities can be significantly mitigated by blocking the use of files from the Internet.
Consider GrimResource, an attack vector documented this summer, whereby attackers would send the victim a Microsoft Management Console (.msc
file). A user receiving such a file would see a standard security warning prompt:
…and if accepted, the file would open and the attacker could run arbitrary code embedded in the file on the victim’s PC.
From a vulnerability purist’s viewpoint, there’s no vulnerability here — everything works as designed. From a security humanist’s viewpoint, however, this is unnecessarily awful.
A more accurate dialog box might read something like this:
However, the best fix for this specific case is to forbid MSC files from the Internet entirely. Effectively all legitimate MSC files are pre-installed on the user’s local computer, so any such file from the Internet is almost guaranteed to be malicious. When the Management Console team fixed this bug, they chose the safe approach, simply blocking the file outright with no dangerous options:
Adding this check was pretty trivial.
// Files outside of the Local Computer, Trusted, and Intranet Zones
// are considered "Untrusted".
bool SourceIsUntrusted(LPCWSTR pwszFile)
bool fUntrusted = true;
CComPtr<IInternetSecurityManager> pSecMan;
if (SUCCEEDED(CoInternetCreateSecurityManager(nullptr, &pSecMan, 0)))
if (SUCCEEDED(pSecMan->MapUrlToZone(pwszFile, &dwZone, 0)))
fUntrusted = (dwZone >= URLZONE_INTERNET);
// Note: For the tightest lockdown, instead use
// fUntrusted = (dwZone!=URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE);
return fUntrusted;
The .msc
loader simply checks whether the source file originates from an untrusted location and if so, it errors out.
There are a few things to note about this SourceIsUntrusted
First, it fails closed— if the security manager cannot be created (very unlikely), the file is treated as untrusted. If the security manager cannot return a Zone mapping for the path (possible with various maliciously-crafted NTFS path strings), it’s treated as untrusted.
Next, it allows opening files from the Local Intranet and Trusted Sites security zones, allowing network admins some flexibility if they have some unusual practices in their environment (e.g. storing custom .msc
files on an internal file share); they can unblock opening such files by using the Windows Site to Zone Assignment policy.
Finally, you may’ve noticed that the final argument to MapUrlToZone
is 0. This is the MapURLToZone Flags argument, and the default value of 0 is usually what you want.
There is, however, an important exception.
Preventing NTLM Hash Leaks
In some cases, your app may wish to block opening remote files, e.g. to prevent a server from being able to see that a given file was opened (a so-called Canary Token), or to prevent leakage of the user’s NTLM hash.
Because Windows will attempt to perform NTLM Single Sign On (SSO), when fetching network file paths (e.g. \\someserver\share\
or file://someserver/share/
), it can leak the user’s account information (username) and hash of their password to the remote site. Crucially, NTLM SSO is not today restricted by Windows Security Zone like HTTP/HTTPS SSO is:
By default, the MapURLToZone
function will connect to the server for a remote filepath to see whether there’s a Zone.Identifier
alternate data stream on the target file. This potentially leaks NTLM information as a part of that connection.
flag prevents the MapURLToZone
function from looking for that Zone.Identifier
stream, protecting the hash.
flag on a local file will also prevent your code from detecting that the file was downloaded from the Internet. Oops. What’s an app developer to do? The answer is to call it twice:
// Files outside of the Local Computer, Trusted, and Intranet Zones
// are considered "Untrusted". Avoid connecting to the target
// server unless the URL's Zone is trustworthy.
bool SaferSourceIsUntrusted(LPCWSTR pwszFile)
bool fUntrusted = true;
CComPtr<IInternetSecurityManager> pSecMan;
if (SUCCEEDED(CoInternetCreateSecurityManager(nullptr, &pSecMan, 0)))
if (SUCCEEDED(pSecMan->MapUrlToZone(pwszFile, &dwZone, MUTZ_NOSAVEDFILECHECK)))
fUntrusted = (dwZone >= URLZONE_INTERNET);
// For files currently stored in trusted locations,
// ensure we also look for any MotW storing the
// original source location.
if (!fUntrusted) {
fUntrusted = (!SUCCEEDED(pSecMan->MapUrlToZone(pwszFile, &dwZone, MUTZ_REQUIRESAVEDFILECHECK))) || (dwZone >= URLZONE_INTERNET);
return fUntrusted;
Does every application need to use this more elaborate SaferSourceIsUntrusted
It’s only worthwhile to prevent MapUrlToZone
from touching the file if nothing else has already touched it first.
For example, if the user opened Windows Explorer to \\SomeServer\SomeShare
and double-clicked on SomeMsc.msc
, they’ve already performed NTLM SSO on the target SMB server, so stopping MapURLToZone
from doing so isn’t going to improve anything. Similarly, if something called ShellExecute(
‘\\someserver\someshare\Somemsc.msc`), the Shell itself is going to check for that file’s existence (performing SSO) long before the Management Console handler application gets a chance to touch the file.
On the other hand, imagine that the Management Console team had created a new Application Protocol that allowed any website to open the management console and pass in a target MSC path. A malicious site could construct a link like so:
In this case, nothing touches the file before the handler application gets the target path. Because the very first thing the Management Console does is check the target file’s Zone, it should then use the enhanced SaferSourceIsUntrusted
function to avoid performing an unwanted NTLM SSO and leaking the user’s hash.
Stay safe out there!
PS: As someone who reads far more code than I write, I really prefer early-exit functions.
// Files outside of the Local Computer, Trusted, and Intranet Zones
// are considered "Untrusted". Avoid connecting to the target
// server unless the URL's Zone is trustworthy.
bool SaferSourceIsUntrusted(LPCWSTR pwszFile)
CComPtr<IInternetSecurityManager> pSecMan;
if (FAILED(CoInternetCreateSecurityManager(nullptr, &pSecMan, 0))) return true;
if (FAILED(pSecMan->MapUrlToZone(pwszFile, &dwZone, MUTZ_NOSAVEDFILECHECK))) return true;
if (dwZone >= URLZONE_INTERNET) return true;
// For files currently stored in trusted locations,
// ensure we also look for any MotW storing the
// original source location.
if (FAILED(pSecMan->MapUrlToZone(pwszFile, &dwZone, MUTZ_REQUIRESAVEDFILECHECK))) return true;
return (dwZone >= URLZONE_INTERNET);