New Nov 18, 2024

Security Software – An Overview

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I’ve spent nearly my entire professional career in software security: designing software to prevent abuse by bad actors. I’ve been battling the bad guys for over two decades now, from hunting security bugs in Microsoft Office (I once won an Xbox for finding a vulnerability that allowed malicious clipart take over your computer) to designing security mitigations in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Edge, and Windows, to building tools to allow other good actors to find and kill security bugs.

In 2022, I left the world of software security for the world of security software, rejoining some old friends now on the Microsoft Defender team. The difference seems slight but it’s a big one– instead of trying to keep an otherwise-useful software product secure from attackers, now the entire point of my product is to protect users.

If not for adversaries, my product would have no reason to exist.

What Is “Protection”?

The goal of protection is to prevent bad actors from abusing technology to cause loss for protectees. While those losses can take many direct forms, most fall into several categories: 

Beyond losses caused by bad actors, protection features must avoid other losses:  

Avoiding these other losses is absolutely critical– the cure must not be worse than the disease, both for society and for our business. I often joke: “You start having a real hard time selling fire extinguishers if even one of them ever burns down a building.”

Framing: Protection Levers 

To provide protection, vendors of security software invest in several related areas: 

Beyond these core protection levers, two other levers are important for the overall protection story: 

These levers work together to build higher level protection concepts: 

Improvements in each of these areas can increase the level of protection, and we can unlock new protections with either the introduction of new capabilities in each area, or a new combinations of levers. 

Other Uses for Sensors and Throttles

Sensors and Throttles are powerful primitives that have uses beyond traditional protection scenarios.

For example, an enterprise may combat insider threats and enforce regulatory compliance by using sensors and throttles to build Information Rights Management products like Microsoft Purview.

Sensors and Throttles are also often used to achieve non-protection goals, sometimes called Control scenarios. For example, combining the Web Defense Sensors and Throttles with a list of site categories enables Web Content Filtering to enforce an organization’s Acceptable Use Policy (“No gambling sites may be used at work“).

My Journey to Security Software

The last two years has been a whirlwind of learning: security software is a huge and very profitable industry, and as such there’s an entire universe of complexity and a new encyclopedia of acronyms and terms of art to learn. Even “Microsoft Defender” is a bit of a misnomer– it’s not one product, but an entire line of products designed to protect both enterprises and consumers from attack.

At a very high level, my product, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, breaks down into two major components: Endpoint Protection (EPP) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). These days, most of my work accrues to EPP.


The primary goal of Endpoint Protection is to protect the user against threats on their individual endpoint device. Most EPP features focus on preventing initial access (attacks that allow an attacker to get malicious code running on the device in the first place).

Every Windows user gets many of the most important EPP features for free, including MSAV (Microsoft Antivirus) which protects against viruses and malware, and SmartScreen, which protects against web-borne threats (phishing, malware, and techscams). Beyond these two core protections, there are many niche features (e.g. Exploit Protection) and adjacent features (e.g. the Windows Firewall is branded with “Defender” although it’s mostly built by Windows). These security features are mostly exposed through the Windows Security app.

If a user decides to install 3rd Party security software (e.g. McAfee), it may take over some of the duties of some Defender components (usually replacing MSAV and sometimes the Windows Firewall).

Enterprises that deploy MDE EPP have some additional features that require configuration by an organization’s security team, including Device Control, Attack Surface Reduction rules, AppControl for Business, and Network Protection.


EDR software aims to address the fact that Endpoint Protection inherently can never be infallible — at some point, through user error, delayed threat intelligence, a novel attack, or other shortcoming, some devices will fall victim to an attacker.

EDR software only makes sense in the context of an enterprise where there’s a security operations center (SOC) tasked with keeping the company’s fleet of devices secure from attackers. EDR is a huge market, and big players include CrowdStrike, TrendMicro, Sentinel One, and others.

EDR software sends a firehose of telemetry to the SOC to allow creation of security alerts for investigation and remediation. For example, if malicious behavior is observed on a cluster of devices, the SOC can isolate those devices from the rest of the enterprise, can use the “Live Response” tool to run investigation packages on the suspicious devices, and can lock down the devices and any credential information used on them to protect the attack from spreading to the rest of the enterprise.

The SOC is also responsible for managing the security posture of the fleet, ensuring that security policies are configured, patches are installed on every endpoint, that risky apps are not present in the environment, etc.

Other Defender Products

Many other products live under the Defender banner, including MDO (Microsoft Defender for Office), MDCA (Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps), MDIOT (Defender for IoT), etc.

Some of these products reuse threat intelligence, sensors, and throttles from other products (e.g. MDO scans email attachments with MDAV on the server), and some include sensors, throttles, and TI exclusive to each product. Part of our team’s journey has been finding opportunities to bring these product’s components closer together to reduce duplication and improve threat protection.

Stay safe out there!


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