New Dec 19, 2024

Building trust through transparency: A deep dive into the Anonym Transparency Portal

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Continuing our series on Anonym’s technology, this post focuses on the Transparency Portal, a critical tool designed to give our partners comprehensive visibility into the processes and algorithms that handle their data. As a reminder, Mozilla acquired Anonym over the summer of 2024, as a key pillar in its effort to raise the standards of privacy in the advertising industry. These privacy concerns are well documented, as described in the US Federal Trade Commission’s recent report. Separate from Mozilla surfaces like Firefox, which work to protect users from invasive data collection, Anonym is ad tech infrastructure that focuses on improving privacy measures for data commonly shared between advertisers and ad networks.

Anonym uses Trusted Execution Environments, which include the benefit of providing  security to users through the attestation processes. As discussed in our last post, this guarantees that only approved code can be run. Anonym wanted our customers to be able to participate in this process without the burden of overly complicated technical integration. For this reason Anonym developed the Transparency Portal and a process we call binary review. Anonym’s Transparency Portal provides comprehensive review capabilities and operational control over data processing to partners.

Screenshot of the Anonym Transparency Portal homepage. The header shows the Anonym logo, navigation links, and a user profile for Graham Mudd. The sidebar menu includes options like Home, Getting Started, Your Binaries, API Integrations, Job Activity, Anonym Public Key, Data Upload, Knowledge Base, and Account Settings. The main section has a welcome message titled "Welcome to the Anonym Transparency Portal" with a description and "Get Started" button. Below are four feature tiles: Knowledge Base, Binary Approval, System Overview, and Job Activity, each with brief descriptions and icons.

The Transparency Portal: Core features

The Transparency Portal is designed to offer clear, actionable insights into how data is processed while enabling partners to maintain strict control over the use of their data. The platform’s key components include:

Screenshot of the "Your Binaries" page in the Anonym Transparency Portal. The header displays the Anonym logo, navigation links, and Graham Mudd's profile. The sidebar menu includes options like Home, Getting Started, Your Binaries, API Integrations, and more.
<p>The main section features a detailed view of a binary labeled "Lift Binary," with a release date of 11/15/2024, 01:39 PM. It shows the binary state as "Active," version as 2.21.0, and approval state as "Approved." Below are sections with:</p>
<p>A binary description explaining how the solution measures the causal impact of advertising using experiments and private t-tests.
Release notes (version 2.21.0) detailing changes like adding, upgrading dependencies, converting timestamps, and making advertiser record ID deduplication optional.</p>
<p>An approval timestamp shows the binary was approved by on 11/19/2024, 09:58 AM. There are buttons for "Revoke Approval" and a green "Approved" badge.</p>
<p>Below the detailed view, a list of other binaries is shown, including another "Lift Binary" and two "Attribution Binary" entries, with states, versions, and approval statuses displayed." class="wp-image-78150" style="aspect-ratio:1.238210399032648;width:840px;height:auto" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></figure></p>
<li><strong>Code Comparison Tool<br></strong>For partners managing updates or changes to binaries, the portal includes a <strong>source code comparison tool</strong>. This tool provides line-by-line visibility into changes (aka ‘diffs’) between binary versions, highlighting additions, deletions, and modifications. Combined with detailed release notes, this feature enables partners to quickly assess updates and make informed decisions.</li>
<figure class=Screenshot of the "Lift Binary Diff" page in the Anonym Transparency Portal, comparing versions 2.20.0 and 2.21.0 of the Lift Binary. The header includes the Anonym logo, navigation links, and Graham Mudd's profile.
<p>The page shows a binary description explaining how the solution measures the causal impact of advertising. Below it, a message indicates that only modified files are displayed in the diff, with unchanged files listed but omitted from the view.</p>
<p>The diff view compares the file src/main/pipelines/lib/formatter/ between the two versions. Changes are highlighted:</p>
<p>Additions are shown in green, such as the introduction of enabled as a parameter in the <strong>init</strong> method and new logic to check self.enabled.
Deletions are marked in red, such as lines without enabled logic in the earlier version.
Updates include added functionality for hashing columns and generating a new record ID with clearer documentation.</p>
<p>This structured side-by-side comparison makes it easy to identify code changes between the binary versions." class="wp-image-78170" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></figure></p>
<li><strong>Job History Logs</strong><strong><br></strong>A complete log of all data processing jobs enables tracing of all data operations. Each entry details the algorithm used, the data processed, and the associated binary version, creating an immutable audit trail for operational oversight and to help support regulatory compliance.</li>
<li><strong>Access and Role Management</strong><strong><br></strong>The portal allows partners to manage their internal access rights. Administrative tools enable the designation of users who can review documentation, approve binaries, and monitor processing activities.</li>
<h2 class=Bridging security, transparency and control

We believe visibility and accountability are foundational requirements of any technology, and especially for systems that process consumer data, such as digital advertising. By integrating comprehensive review, approval, and audit capabilities, the Transparency Portal ensures that our partners have full visibility into how their data is used for advertising purposes while maintaining strict data security and helping to support compliance efforts.  

In our next post, we’ll delve into the role of encryption and secure data transfer in Anonym’s platform, explaining how these mechanisms work alongside the Transparency Portal and the TEE to protect sensitive data at every stage of processing.

The post Building trust through transparency: A deep dive into the Anonym Transparency Portal appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.

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