Jun 12, 2024

How to Attract and Retain Engineers in a Distributed Remote Working World with Brandon Tolbert

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Brandon Tolbert, Director of OSP Engineering at Circet USA, discussed the diverse engineering roles at Circet and the challenges of finding skilled personnel to fill those specified seats. In the telecom industry, it is essential to have a team of talented individuals who can adapt to new technologies and industry trends. However, identifying such individuals is a challenging task. Brandon emphasized the importance of actively engaging employees in decision-making processes and providing continuous learning opportunities to keep them current with the latest advancements.

The conversation also underscored the value of mentorship in the telecom industry. As technology advances, it is crucial for experienced professionals to guide and mentor younger talent. By fostering a culture of mentorship, organizations can ensure that knowledge and expertise are passed down to the next generation, enabling them to tackle industry changes with confidence. This mentorship not only helps in skill development but also in building confidence and preparedness among younger employees to handle industry shifts effectively.

Investing in employee development was another key aspect discussed. Both Rob and Brandon emphasized the benefits of providing growth opportunities and promoting from within. By investing in their employees' professional development, organizations not only retain top talent but also create a supportive work environment that encourages innovation and creativity. This approach not only enhances employee satisfaction but also drives the organization's overall growth and competitiveness in the market.

Lastly, the conversation touched on the significance of maintaining connections and nurturing talent even after parting ways professionally. In the fast-paced telecom industry, professionals often move between companies, and maintaining a strong network of connections can be invaluable. By staying connected and supporting each other's growth, professionals can continue to collaborate and drive innovation even when they are no longer working together.

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