New Jul 18, 2024

These JavaScript Tools Make Collaboration and Deployment Easier with Jack Herrington

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Join Jack Herrington and Tracy Lee at CascadiaJS 2024 as they talk about content creation, experimenting with new tools, and continuous learning. They cover some of the latest in what’s going on in the Vercel, Next.js, and Deno Deploy ecosystems, and what these teams are doing to enable easy deployment and better community collaboration.

Tracy and Jack's discussion highlights the lack of educational resources on advanced web development topics. This scarcity poses an opportunity for developers who want to showcase their expertise in areas like app router and React server components. By actively engaging in knowledge sharing, developers can demonstrate their deep understanding of these complex concepts and set themselves apart from the competition.

Jack emphasized Vercel's role in simplifying deployment with its easy commands and Next.js integration for seamless collaboration and performance. Next.js was highlighted for its advanced features and simplified development process, including efficient routing and SEO benefits. Deno Deploy, built on Deno, offers serverless deployment without traditional infrastructure management, focusing on code writing and scalability. Throughout, the importance of community and knowledge sharing in platforms like Vercel, Next.js, and Deno Deploy was underscored, enabling developers to share, receive feedback, and stay updated with advancements.

Download this episode here.

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